Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Classes for December

The "First look" Club ~  Join us on Saturday December.  The club meets the second Saturday of the month at 8:45 am and have a close-up look at new items coming to our store. We will have store drawings and refreshments and “show and tell” by you. Attend the club meeting and receive 10% off all items in the store on the day of the meeting. The club is free. Class size is limited so sign up soon!

BOM Quilted Devotions Block of the Month meetings will be the 2nd Saturday of the Month and will begin promptly at 9:45am. An optional sewing workshop will follow each meeting.

Believe, Wall Hanging We will be making a quilt from the book 'So Many Choices' by Abbey Lane Quilts.  Saturday, December 7th from 1pm-4pm.

TGIF :: Tote It Mesh Bag, Friday December 13th
from 5pm-9pm 

You can sign up on our website or you can give us a call {402}727-7869. 

Hope to see you all soon!

I Love Sewing, LLC

Thursday, October 3, 2013

FoUr - TiMeS - ThE - FuN - RuN

If you have questions, would like more information, or would like to register for a classes please give us a call  
402-727-7869 or visit our website www.ilovesewingonline.com.  
Check us out of Facebook, Pintrest, Blogger, YouTube or send us a message.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

join us this weekend....

If you have questions, would like more information, or would like to register for a classes please give us a call  
402-727-7869 or visit our website www.ilovesewingonline.com.  
Check us out of Facebook, Pintrest, Blogger, YouTube or send us a message.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Happy Monday!

We have been whipping up some great projects for the shop lately. 

The picture below is of Impron Stripes is one of the many exciting projects in this book Set the Table by That Patchwork Place.  This book includes 48 pages,  designer patterns for table runners. 

Enjoy stunning graphic designs by Natalie Barnes, Audrie Bidwell, Josée Carrier, Jenifer Dick, Amy Ellis, Heather Jones, Thomas Knauer, Jessica Levitt, Angela Walters, and Candi Weinrick.  

New techniques and color palettes on small projects that require a minimal investment of time and fabric. Discover how a simple accent can give your decor a big lift.

Check us out of Facebook, Pintrest, Blogger, YouTube or send us a message.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Join our Embroidery Class

If you have questions, would like more information, or would like to register for a classes please give us a call  
402-727-7869 or visit our website www.ilovesewingonline.com.  
Check us out of Facebook, Pintrest, Blogger, YouTube or send us a message.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

First Look Club...

Here are some pictures of last Saturdays First Look Club!  We have sooo much fun! 

Join us on the second Saturday of the month at 8:45 am and have a close-up look at new items coming to our store. We will have store drawings and refreshments and “show and tell” by you. Attend the club meeting and receive 10% off all items in the store on the day of the meeting. The club is free. Class size is limited so sign up soon!


Friday, May 17, 2013

changes in our schedule.....

Check us out of Facebook, Pintrest, Blogger, YouTube or send us a message.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Block of the Month graduates....

 We had such a fun graduation party with our Block of the Month graduates. 
Can you believe it has been a whole year since we started?!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Exciting changes to our online shop!

We always love feedback from our customers! If you have any suggestions for the new    website, please let us know.  Of course if you love the website, we enjoy hearing about that too. www.ilovesewingonline.com 
Check us out of Facebook, Pintrest, Blogger, YouTube or send us a message.

Monday, March 4, 2013