Sunday, June 13, 2010

Grand Opening Weekend

We just want to remind you that we are having our
Grand Opening
this weekend!

Friday June 18th    10-5
Saturday June 19th    9-5
Sunday June 20th        12-5
Monday June 21st     2-7

We especially want to invite you to request a ticket to our free event of the weekend!

I Love Sewing Symposium
Saturday, June 19th
Refreshments Following

We are very fortunate to have representatives from the quilt world coming to spend some time with us. And we have a great area to have our Symposium. If you haven't seen the rest of the building at I Love Sewing, you're in for a treat. We have a spacious area, filled with sunlight, that is perfect for our needs. We definitely have room for you to join us! We'd like to have a great turn out so our reps see how strong quilting is in our area. Your free ticket is also good for drawings at the Symposium, and an extra 5% off any purchase (including the Specials) you might make that day and a light lunch. We promise that you'll have an enjoyable time, so please take a moment and fill out our online Request, or give us a call.  Spend the morning with us and then go to the Omaha Guild Quilt Show!

Click to Request Ticket
Click Here to Request Tickets

We'll hold the ticket for you, so sign up anytime before Friday, June 18th.
If you can't make it on Saturday, stop by any of the days this weekend to sign up for Drawings, have a little snack, enjoy our Specials of the Day and have a look at all the fabrics and samples that we have on display. All fabrics will be 15% off all weekend long (including Monday). We'll also have a Fabric and Notion of the Day (different each day) that will be 20% off that day.
We've loved meeting so many of you since we opened. And we'd love to meet more of you that love sewing, quilting, great color and fabrics and a friendly shop that wants to make your sewing experience extra special. Come in and say hi (bring a friend ) and enjoy our new shop with us.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Sewing 101 Class

We're  happy to announce that we had our first Sewing 101 class and it was a great success!  We had six beginner sewers that learned about their sewing machine and how to sew a cute accent pillow.  They all did great and everyone completed the project during class! Something I always like to see ... taking home a completed project.  We're excited about upcoming classes we are working on.  And we have a great work area to have classes in.  Add a light refreshment, tips and tricks and a few laughs, and you have the makings of a great class!
 Getting some serious sew time in. We had some bad weather
moving through, but that did not stop us.

Lora was the first one to get her pillow completed!
  Congrats to Kaitlyn, Courtney, Angie, Janelle and Mendi
and Lora (not pictured) on a job well done!

International Quilt Market, Spring 2010

Display for Vintage Notions by Amy Barickman. We'll be doing
something special with her book and ideas later this year.

Quilt Market is always a fun, exhausting and overwhelming time for those in the quilt and textiles market.  Talk about eye candy! There are samples of all the latest, authors and designers are there so you can put a face to a name, and classes are held to teach techniques and trends.  I have a ton of photos from Market and I will be adding them to this Post occasionally, so check back and get a glimpse of Market.

Jenny Beyer teaching a class on color and design.  What an inspiration!